Surtron Diathermy 50D
Surtron Diathermy 50D CHARACTERISTICS
Diathermy 50 D through the functions selection makes possible pure cut, coagulation cut, and pure coagulation. The digital display of power erogation allows safety and very reproducible applications.
50 D permits use a professional surgery thanks to the stability functions and the safety system adopted.
Working frequency: 600 kHz
Mains voltage (Vac) :115-230
Mains frequency :Hz 50-60
Electrical class (EN60601-1) I CF
Maximum output power CUT (W) 50
Kit of assorted electrode length 5cm (10pcs) •/1
Manual of instructions •/1
Power supply cable 3x1mm SIE-IEC – 2mt •/1
Not water-proof foot switch •/1